Do not wash.
Weight: 24 gDiameter: 40 mm
When dropped from 254 cm, the Perfly SB 590 white dot squash ball should bounce- at least 38 cm at 23 degrees Celsius- between 84 cm and 91 cm at 45 degrees Celsius
Like with any squash ball, you'll need to warm it up to get the most out of it.It's easy to do this: simply stand near the T and hit the ball against the wall a few times. After a dozen impacts, you'll feel the ball warm up. When it's properly warm, you can start playing on the rest of the court and enjoy a great match.
Heat and cold have a significant impact on your ball's performance. When it's cold, balls will take longer to warm up and won't bounce as high, no matter the type of ball. Don't be surprised - just use a blue or red ball when it's very cold. On the other hand, the warmer it is, the more your ball will bounce. Counter this effect by using a ball that doesn't bounce as high, such as a yellow dot or double yellow dot.
New squash balls have a matte, rough appearance. Your ball will wear out at a different rate depending on your court, your strings and how you hit it. Once you can see a lot of marks or scratches on your ball, or when it starts looking shiny, it's time to change it. You can still use it, but it will be very slippy. It will slip on the floor or walls and end up splitting.Change it before that happens!
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